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Microprocessors’ Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing





英文名称:Microprocessors’ Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing





选用教材:The Intel Microprocessors: Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing

[美]Barry B.Brey,高等教育出版社,2001年8月第5版


1、 吴宁主编:《亚洲博彩公司》,清华大学出版社社,2002年2月第1版;

2、 薛均义主编:《亚洲博彩公司》,西安电子科技大学出版社,2000年第1版;

3、 王永山主编:《亚洲博彩公司》,西安电子科技大学出版社,1999年第1版;

4、 马维华主编:《亚洲博彩公司》,亚洲博彩公司出版社,2005年2月第1版;

5、 张荣标主编:《亚洲博彩公司》,机械工业出版社,2005年1月第1版。执笔人:刘光达

一、 课程性质、目的与任务



二、 教学基本要求


2. 在掌握微处理器数据传送、算术和逻辑运算,以及程序控制指令等内容的基础上,对微处理器汇编程序设计中有关编辑、编译和连接的内容,包括C语言和汇编语言的嵌套应用等,有比较全面的理解;






三、 各章节内容及学时分配

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Microprocessor and Computer(2 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter introduces an overview of the Intel family of microprocessors. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to describe the function of the microprocessor and detail its basic operation.


Section 1: The historical background

Section 2: The microprocessor–based personal computer system

a. The memory: TPA, system area, and XMS;

b. I/O space.

Chapter 2 The Microprocessor and its Architecture(8 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter presents the microprocessor’s internal programming model and its addressing modes. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Describe the function and purpose of each program-visible register in the 8086-80486 and Pentium series microprocessors;

b. Detail the flag register and the purpose of each flag bit;

c. Describe how memory is accessed using real mode and protected mode memory-addressing techniques.


Section 1: Internal microprocessor architecture

a. The programming model;

b. Multipurpose registers;

c. Special-purpose registers;

d. Segment registers.

Section 2: Real mode memory addressing

a. Segments and offsets;

b. Default segment and offset registers.

Section 3: Protected mode memory addressing

a. Selectors and descriptors;

b. Program-invisible registers.

Section 4: Memory paging

a. Paging registers;

b. The page directory and page table.

Chapter 3 Addressing Modes(8 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

In this chapter, theMOVinstruction is used to describe the data-addressing modes. TheCALLandJUMPinstructions, as well as the operation of the stack memory are also included in the chapter. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Explain the operation of each data-addressing mode;

b. Use the program memory-addressing modes to form assembly and machine language statements;

c. Detail the difference between addressing memory data using real mode and protected mode operation.


Section 1: Data-addressing modes

Section 2: Program memory-addressing modes

a. Direct program memory addressing;

b. Relative program memory addressing;

c. Indirect program memory addressing.

Section 3: Stack memory-addressing modes

a. ThePUSHandPOPinstructions;

b. Other stack instructions.

Chapter 4 Data Movement Instructions(6 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

In this chapter, the data movement instructions and the string instructions are discussed. In addition, the microprocessor assembler programMASMis also presented. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Explain the operation of each data movement instruction with applicable modes;

b. Explain the purposes of the assembly language pseudo-operations and key words;

c. Use the assembler to set up a data segment, stack segment, and code segment.


Section 1: MOV revisited

Section 2: Load-effective address

Section 3: String data transfers

Section 4: Miscellaneous data transfer instructions

Section 5: Segment override prefix

Chapter 5 Arithmetic and Logic Instructions(4 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter discusses the arithmetic and logic instructions, as well as the string comparison instructions. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Use arithmetic and logic instructions to accomplish simple binary, BCD, and ASCII arithmetic;

b. UseAND,OR, andExclusive-ORto accomplish binary bit manipulation.


Section 1: Addition, subtraction, and comparison

Section 2: Multiplication and division

Section 3: BCD and ASCII arithmetic

Section 4:Basic logic instructions

Section 5: Shift and rotate

Section 6: String comparisons

Chapter 6 Program Control Instructions(4 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter explains the program control instructions. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Use both conditional and unconditional jump instructions to control the flow of a program;

b. Use the relational assembly language statements in programs;

c. Use the call and return instructions to include procedures in the program structure.


Section 1: The jump group

a. Unconditional jump;

b. Conditional jumps and conditional sets.

Section 2: Controlling the flow of an assembly language program



Section 3: Procedures

Section 4: Introduction to interrupts

Section 5: Machine control and miscellaneous instructions

Chapter 7 Programming the Microprocessor(4 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter develops programs and programming techniques using the MASM macro assembler program, the DOS function calls, and the BIOS functions. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Use the MASM assembler and linker program to create programs that contains more than one module;

b. Write and useMACROandENDMto develop macro sequences used with liner programming;

c. Develop programs using DOS function calls.


Section 1: Modular programming

a. The assembler and linker;

b. Macros.

Section 2: Using the keyboard and video display

Chapter 8 Using Assembly Language with C/C++(6 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter develops the idea of mixing assembly language with C/C++. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Use assembly language in _ASM blocks within C/C++;

b. Use common C/C++ data and structures with assembly language;

c. Use assembly language objects with C/C++ programs.


Section 1: Using assembly language with C/C++ for 16-bit applications

a. Basic rules;

b. What cannot be used from MASM inside an _asm block;

c. Using character string or data structures.

Section 2: Using assembly language with C/C++ for 16-bit applications

Section 2: Using assembly language with C/C++ for 32-bit applications

Section 4: Separate assembly objects

a. Linking assembly language with Visual C;

b. Adding new assembly language instructions to C/C++ programs.

Chapter 9 8086/8088 Hardware Specifications(8 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter describes the pin functions of both 8086 and 8088 microprocessors and provides details on the following hardware topics: clock generation, bus buffering, bus latching, timing, wait states, and minimum mode operation versus maximum mode operation. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

c. Describe the function of each 8086 and 8088 pin;

d. Use the clock generator chip (8284A) to provide the clock for the microprocessor;

e. Connect buffers and latches to the buses.


Section 1: Pin-outs and the pin functions

Section 2: Clock generator (8284A)

a. Pin functions;

b. Operation of the 8284A;

c. Operation of the clock section;

d. Operation of the reset section.

Section 3: Bus buffering and latching

a. Demultiplexing the buses:

b. Demultiplexing the 8088;

c. Demultiplexing the 8086.

Section 4: Bus timing

Section 5: Ready and the wait state

a. TheREADYinput;

b. RDYand the 8284A.

Section 6: Minimum mode versus maximum mode

Chapter 10 Memory Interface(8 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

Almost all microprocessor-based computer systems contain two main types of memory: read-only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM) or read/write memory. This chapter explains how to interface both memory types to the Intel family of microprocessors. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

  1. Decode the memory address and use the outputs of the decoder to select various memory components;

  2. Explain how to interface both RAM and ROM to a microprocessor;

  3. Interface memory to an 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit data bus;

  4. Explain the operation of a dynamic RAM controller.

Section 1: Memory devices

a. Memory pin connections;

b. ROM memory;

c. Static RAM (SRAM) devices;

d. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) memory.

Section 2: Address decoding

a. Simple NAND gate decoder;

b. The 3-to-8 line decoder (74LS138);

c. The dual 2-to-4 line decoder (74LS139);

d. PROM address decoder;

e. PLD programmable decoders.

Section 3: 8088 and 80188 (8-bit) memory interface

Section 4: 8086 and 80186, 80286, and 80386SX (16-bit) memory interface

Section 5: 80386DX and 80486 (32-bit) memory interface

Section 6: Pentium series (64-bit) memory interface

Chapter 11 Basic I/O Interface(14 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter outlines some of the basic methods of communications, both serial and parallel, between humans or machines and the microprocessor. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Explain the operation of the basic input and output interfaces;

b. Decode an 8-, 16-, and 32-bit I/O device so that they can be used at any I/O port address;

c. Interface and program the 82C55, 8279, 16550, 8254 programmable interface components;

d. Interface an analogue-to-digital converter and a digital-to-analog converter to the microprocessor.


Section 1: Introduction to I/O interface

Section 2: I/O port address decoding

a. Decoding 8-bit I/O addresses;

b. Decoding 16-bit I/O addresses;

c. 8- and 16-bit I/O ports;

d. 32-bit wide I/O ports.

Section 3: The programmable peripheral interface

a. Basic description of the 82C55;

b. Programming the 82C55.

Section 4: The 8279 programmable keyboard/display interface

a. Basic description of the 8279;

b. Interfacing the 8279 to the microprocessor.

Section 5: 8254 Programmable interval timer

a. 8254 function description;

b. Programming the 8254.

Section 6: 16550 programmable communications interface

a. 16550 functional description;

b. Programming the 16550.

Section 7: Analog-to-digital (ADC) and digital-to-analog (DAC) converter

a. The DAC0830 digital-to-analog;

b. The ADC080X Analog-to-digital;

c. Using the ADC080X and the DAC0830.

Chapter 12 Interrupts(8 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

In this chapter, we expand our coverage of basic I/O and programmable peripheral interfaces by examining a technique called interrupt-processed I/O, and provide examples and a detailed explanation of the interrupt structure of the entire Intel of microprocessor. Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Explain the interrupt structure of the Intel family of microprocessors;

b. Explain the operation of software interrupt instructionsINT,INTO,INT 3, andBOUND;

c. Develop interrupt-service procedures;

d. Expand the interrupt structure of the microprocessor by using the 8259A programmable interrupt controller and other techniques.

Section 1: Basic interrupt processing

a. Interrupt instructions:BOUND,INTO,INT,INT 3, andIRET;

b. The operation of a real mode interrupt;

c. Operation of a protected mode interrupt;

d. Storing an interrupt vector in the vector table.

Section 2: Hardware interrupts

Section 3: Expanding the interrupt structure

a. Using the 74LS244 to expand;

b. Daisy-chained interrupt.

Section 4: 8259A programmable interrupt controller

a. General description of the 8259A;

b. Programming the 8259A.

Section 5: Interrupt examples

Chapter 13 Direct Memory Access and DMA-controlled I/O(4 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

In this chapter, we discuss the final form of I/O calleddirect memory access(DMA). The DMA I/O technique provides direct access to the memory while the microprocessor is temporarily disabled.Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Describe a DMA transfer;

b. Explain the function of the 8237 DMA controller when used for DMA transfers;

c. Program the 8237 to accomplish DMA transfers.

Section 1: Basic DMA operation

Section 2: The 8237 DMA controller

a. Software command;

b. Programming the address and count register;

c. The 8237 connected to the 80X86 microprocessor.

Chapter 14 Bus Interface(6 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter presents the ISA (industry standard architecture) bus, the PCI (peripheral component interconnect) bus, the USB (universal serial bus), and the AGP (advanced graphics port).Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Detail the pin connections and signal bus connections on the ISA, and PCI;

b. Develop simple interfaces that connect to the ISA, and PCI buses;

c. Describe the operation of the USB;

d. Explain how the AGP increases the efficiency of the graphics subsystem.

Section 1: The ISA bus

a. The 8-bit ISA bus output interface;

b. The 8-bit ISA bus input interface.

Section 2: The peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus

a. The PCI bus pin-out;

b. The PCI address/data connections.

Section 3: The universal serial bus (USB)

a. The connector;

b. USB data;

c. USB command.

Section 4: The accelerated graphics port (AGP)

Chapter 15 The Pentium Series Microprocessors (6 hours)

Objectives and Requirements

This chapter introduces the Pentium, Pentium Pro and Pentium 4 microprocessors. Compared with the 80486, the Pentium series microprocessors have an improved cache structure, a wider data bus width, a faster numeric coprocessor, a dual integer processor, and branch prediction logic.Upon completion of the contents, you should be able to:

a. Describe the organization and interface of the 64-bit wide Pentium memory system and its variations;

b. Detail the improvements in the Pentium series microprocessors when compared with the 80486;

c. Explain how the dynamic execution architecture of the Pentium series microprocessors.

Section 1: Introduction to the Pentium series microprocessors

a. Pentium;

b. Pentium Pro;

c. Pentium 4;

d. The memory system;

e. The input/output system.

Section 2: Special Pentium registers

a. Control registers;

b. EFLAG registers.

Section 3: The memory system

Section 4: Software changes

四、 考核方式:考试(闭卷)

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